Red Bandanna Project History

Not long after the story of our son, Welles Remy Crowther, as the “Man in the Red Bandanna”, a 9/11 Civilian Hero emerged in the aftermath and reconstruction of the events of September 11th at the World Trade Center, our family was contacted by some schools and youth organizations to speak about him. The invitations were sporadic at first. On September 4, 2011, with the launching of Andrew Gallagher’s ESPN “Outside the Lines” documentary “The Man Behind the Red Bandanna”, written by Tom Rinaldi, narrated by Edward Burns, the story of Welles’ courageous final hour, saving many lives, rocketed around the world. Drew Gallagher was a classmate and friend of Welles at Boston College.

We received many more letters and tributes from teachers, coaches, students and parents and invitations to speak about Welles in schools and other programs around the country. Welles’ story and the example of how he conducted himself, especially in his final hour, were enormously and positively impactful. We were contacted soon thereafter by Timothy Liam Epstein, Esq., another Boston College classmate, who brought the work of the Welles Remy Crowther Charitable Trust to the attention of the Fetzer Institute, Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Supported by the Fetzer Institute in partnership with the Welles Remy Crowther Charitable Trust, the Red Bandanna Project, social and emotional learning curricula for students of all ages, has been created. Please see information on the writers and advisors of the Red Bandanna Project and a sample lesson on Leadership from the High School curriculum.

The mission of the Fetzer Institute is to study and understand how Love and Forgiveness can work as positive forces in the global community. The Welles Remy Crowther Charitable Trust and the Red Bandanna Project have no affiliation with any religious organization.

The lessons taught are Leadership, Caring for Others, TEAM, The Power of One, Bridging Divides, Forgiveness and Carpe Diem. Five separate curricula for elementary, middle and high school classrooms, sports teams and camps/youth programs have been pilot tested in 100 schools and youth programs across the country and received by teachers, students , coaches and parents with much enthusiasm.

Common Core Standards satisfied by each lesson are noted. The lessons are not sequential so they may be presented singly or in any order judged most effective for each group of young people. All of the lessons are included in the lesson book to afford maximum flexibility to instructors.

We hope that you will have much success with the Red Bandanna Project.

Alison and Jefferson Crowther